research &
Frédéric Lagrange is Professor of Arab Studies at Sorbonne Université, Paris. His research interests include the history of music in contemporary Egypt, dialectology, and the modern Arabic novel. His most recent work deals with cultural studies, at a crossroads between gender studies, linguistics and pop culture.(see publications here). His latest edited volumes are Culture Pop en Egypte, Entre Mainstream commercial et contestation (2020) and Les Mots du Désir, La langue de l’érotisme arabe et sa traduction (2020). He is also a translator of Arabic literature, classical and contemporary. His latest translation into French is Mohamed Rabie’s ʿUtarid (2021).
Mélanie Henry holds a PhDdoctorate in history from the University of Aix-Marseille. Her researches focusees on the history of North Africa since the 1950s, the experience of major political upheavals and the knowledge of the psyche (psychiatry, psychology, psychoanalysis). At the crossroads of a social history of knowledge and a history of sensibilities, she is currently interested in the deinstitutionalization of psychiatry in Algeria and Egypt: the critique of asylum psychiatry, technical changes and changes in norms. She’s the author of various publications, and recently co-edited an issue of Écrire l’histoire – histoire, littérature, esthétique dossier “Le carambolage des temps;”
Research engineer
Hala Bayoumi is a senior research engineer at CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), and is in charge of the Digital Humanities and Data Science unit at CEDEJ. She holds a doctorate in computer science and applied mathematics from EPHE (Paris, France), as well as a Habilitation to Supervise Research in Geography from Jean Moulin University (Lyon, France). She has authored several works, has received the CNRS Médaille de Cristal in 2017, and is an ambassador for the “La Science taille XX elles” programme.
At CEDEJ, she oversees cooperation with CAPMAS (Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics) and Bibliotheca Alexandrina. She also heads the “Interactive and Dynamic Atlas of Contemporary Egypt” project, and has participated in several scientific programmes, most notably URDESANC (Urbanisation du Désert et Enjeux SANitaires au Caire) and GEOVINODE (Géoportail-pilote des villes nouvelles du désert égyptien : un outil pour analyser les politiques de développement durable dans le Sud global).
Olivier PLIEZ
Olivier Pliez is a geographer and senior researcher at the CNRS (France). He is the author of several published articles (, was awarded the CNRS bronze medal (2007) and the Académie des Sciences morales et politiques’ Luc Durand-Réville prize (2019). His work focuses on territories and mobilities in the Sahara, in Egypt, Tunisia and China. He studies the construction of urban spaces by public authorities and players in inter- or transnational migration and trade networks. His research is now focusing on the environmental dimension of these dynamics, from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Alya El Hosseiny
Documentation/ research ASSISTANce
Alya El Hosseiny holds a PhD from New York University’s Department of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies. Her research has spanned Arabic, French, and Latin American literatures, as well as cultural and urban studies, and her chapter, “The Author and the Authoritarian: Gamal al-Ghitani’s al-Zaynī Barakāt“, was published in Charlotte Baker’s and Hannah Grayson’s Fictions of African Dictatorship: Cultural Representations of Postcolonial Power. Prior to joining CEDEJ, she spent five years working in the independent music sector.