visiting & affiliated
Visiting Researcher status :
Any post-graduate student, post-doctoral student, researcher or independent researcher who submits a request to CEDEJ administration may be granted Visiting researcher status at CEDEJ, depending on their research topics and the available space.
Affiliated Researcher status :
All CEDEJ fellows and former fellows, current or former in-house CEDEJ researchers or directors, coordinators of thematic issues of the EMA/ESMA journal, coordinators of recurring academic activities at CEDEJ are statutorily considered to be associate researchers at CEDEJ and may use this status in their curricula and publications. Researchers who do not fall into these categories and wish to obtain this status may apply for it with CEDEJ administration.
- Adam Mestyan
- Agnès Deboulet
- Amr Khairy-Ahmed
- Aymon Kreil
- Carl Rommel
- Caroline Barbary
- Corten Perez-Houis
- Daniel Cantini
- Delphine Acloque
- Emir Mahieddin
- Florian Bonnefoi
- Farah Hany Ramzy
- Gaetan Du Roy
- Giedre Sabaseviciute
- Hania Sobhy
- Jennifer S. Leath
- Karine Benafla
- Kawkab Tawfik
- Malak Labib
- Marie Vannetzel
- Marine Poirier
- Maya Chehade
- Mehdi Labzaé
- Mohamed Abdou
- Neil Ketchley
- Nadine AbdAllah
- Olivier Delagarde
- Pascal Menoret
- Pauline Brücker
- Saker El Nour
- Sarah Ben Nefissa
- Souraya Boudia
- Sylvie Marchand
- Vanessa Lehman
- Yasmine Moataz
- Youssef El Chazli
Ph.D. students
- Abel Solans
- Chada Bachri
- Emilie Pasquier
- Esther Ravier
- Florie Bavard
- Inès Delpuech
- Jeanne Gorin
- Joel Abdelmoez
- Laure Pesquet
- Maïa Bouatouch-Legrand
- May Khattab
- Manon Laroche
- Mariam Ghafir
- Marie Ruyffelaere
- Nihal Hafez
- Naïma Bouras
- Sixtine Deroure
- Soraya Rahem
- Yasmine Hafez
M.A. students
- Antoine Calori
- Axel Gouel Lefebvre
- Aya Chriki
- Giraudy Valentin
- Jeanne, Emma Tandille
- Line Ghaffir
- Malo Sarazin