and public policies
CEDEJ has a long tradition of investigating the practices that make up governance, from the sociology of elections to the analysis of public policies. Recently, our researchers have looked into issues of migration, subsidies, programs targeting poverty, international relations, history of science, economic thought, infrastructures, etc. Infrastructure policies were also the subject of an online seminar and conference in partnership with the Arab Network for Political Science in 2024, a collaboration which continues in 2025 on the theme of War in the MENA Region.
We recently complemented our focus on the public sphere with an emphasis on private spaces, where politics are practised and embodied. Current research particularly looks at health policies in a historical, sociological, and anthropological perspective, with a special emphasis on the gender angle. Through research topics such as the professionalization of health practitioners or grassroot mobilizations for reproductive and sexual health, our researchers increasingly explore issues of the body and of mental health which are at the heart of major political and social challenges.