
Yasmine Hafez conducts ethnographic and archival research in an attempt to fill the gaps usually concealed in transboundary management discourses and practices, particularly related to the Nile River. She holds a Master of Arts (MA) degree with distinction in Conflict, Governance, and International Development from the University of East Anglia (UEA). In her master’s, she conducted fieldwork in Addis Ababa, where she focused on analysing the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) through Ethiopia’s historical, economic, and social grievances, recognising the pivotal role these grievances played in shaping the socio-political aspects of the dam’s construction. Before that, she obtained her Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Political Science with double minors in Economics and Community Development from the American University in Cairo (AUC). For her PhD project at SOAS University of London, Yasmine shifted her focus to the lakes and wetlands in the Nile Basin countries after extensive fieldwork conducted in various fishing hubs around Lake Victoria in Uganda and Kenya and the transboundary wetland in-between, as well as in Egypt around the Delta Lakes, namely: Lake Burullus, Lake Mariout, and Lake Edko. Through her research, she delves into the colonial histories of these lakes, the neoliberal interventions that have shaped these water bodies, and the fishermen’s everyday experiences.

Youssef Ramez
Youssef Ramez Boktor is a researcher with an interdisciplinary background that bridges the fields of Anthropology, Gender Studies, and Critical Geographies. He is now writing his dissertation for his Ph.D in Anthropology at The City University of New York (CUNY) looking at cultural and ecological transformations in Siwa Oasis.His research captures a moment of rapid economic, technological, and sociological changes in Siwa, shedding light on the life and struggle of the only Amazigh group in Egypt (Siwans) being displaced in place. His research investigates how the production and distribution of wealth and power are ultimately sourced from an ecosystem.
In 2017, Boktor was awarded the Magda Al Nowaihi Award for best contribution to Gender Studies at the American University in Cairo, for his MA thesis A Pill, a Cup of Tea, and a Cigarette: the Male Body in Egypt at the Age of Viagra.

amr abdel
Amr Abdelrahim is a Ph.D. candidate at Sciences Po Paris/CERI. His thesis focuses on the Egyptian rap scene and is supervised by Stéphane Lacroix (CERI-Sciences Po) and Nicolas Puig (IRD). He is also a researcher at the Türkiye and Middle East program of the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI). His latest publication can be read here.

Florian Bonnefoi holds a M.A. in social sciences from ENS Lyon and is a Ph.D student in geography at the University of Poitiers (Migrinter Lab). He has been awarded a CNRS grant to research the interactions between society and environment, and is the author of several articles (see here, here, here, and here). He works on environmental vulnerability, climate change perceptions, and mobilities among Nile Delta communities. He also researches public space and masculinity in Cairo’s working class cafés. Besides his ethnographic research, he developed a strong interest for photography.

Dalia Ibraheem is a PhD candidate in anthropology at Rutgers University. She works on the political economy of mahraganat music in Egypt in relation to mobility and affect. Her master’s thesis focused on organized football fandom in Egypt and subject construction. Her research interests include popular culture, nationalism, regimes of mobility, and anthropology of the state, youth, and aspirations.