other calls

EchoGéo is a journal of geography available in open access.

  • Theme 1: Spatial reconfigurations of the livestock trade
  • Theme 2: Tensions in the livestock trade: towards a diplomacy of sheep?
  • Theme 3: The sheep trade and Eid as indicators of social change and inequality

Text submission procedure

The articles in this dossier, written in French, English or Spanish, will be around 35,000 to 40,000 characters including spaces (plus illustrations). Please refer to the EchoGéo recommendations to authors for standards of presentation for the text and bibliography ( and illustrations (

All submissions must be sent by 15 September 2025 to Michaël Thevenin (, Alice Franck ( and Olivier Ninot (, the dossier’s co-coordinators, with a copy to Karine Delaunay (, EchoGéo‘s editorial secretary, who will forward them to the evaluators. The dossier will be published in issue n° 75 of EchoGéo (January-March 2026). In addition to the articles in the Sur le champ (On the field) dossier, submissions that address the general theme of this call for papers may be included in the other sections of EchoGéo (Sur le métier/On the job, Sur l’image/On image, Sur l’écrit/On writing)). These proposals must comply with the expectations of these sections, as indicated in the editorial line (

Coordinators of the thematic dossier:
Michaël Thevenin
, researcher associated with the research unit Prodig and IFPO (Institut français du Proche-Orient);
Alice Franck, lecturer at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and member of research unit Prodig;
Olivier Ninot, research scientist at CNRS and member of research unit Prodig.

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