map library

Sophie Frankford holds a DPhil in Anthropology (University of Oxford), a MPhil in Modern Middle Eastern Studies (University of Oxford), and a BMus in Music (King’s College London). Her research centers on music in Egypt, with a particular focus on social class, urban space, and issues of modernity. She has taught at the University of Oxford and the Cairo Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and has articles forthcoming in the journals Ethnography, Popular Music, and Égypte Soudan Mondes Arabes (ESMA).

The CEDEJ map library covers all of Egypt from scale 1/500 to scale 1/1,000,000. The oldest maps date from the end of the 19th century (insurance map of downtown Cairo) and the most recent from the end of the 1990s (the 1/50,000 series which covers the Delta and the Nile Valley).

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The maps are accessible for use as part of a research project. Any use of a commercial nature is prohibited.